The debate about spaying and neutering animals has been a hot topic for years. Some for and some against. At Vineyard Veterinary Hospital we believe firmly in the importance of spaying and neutering. And to help you make the choice for your pet we'd like to provide the following information from the SPCA.
Consider these statistics as to how just one litter can result in hundreds to thousands of unwanted pets: The Prolific Cat/The Prolific Dog 1st year: 3 litters = 12 offspring/1st year: 4 offspring with 2 females = 8 offspring 2nd year: 144 offspring/2nd year: 32 offspring 3rd year: 1,728 offspring/3rd year: 128 offspring 4th year: 10,736 offspring/5th year: 512 offspring What Is Spay/neuter? The surgical removal of the ovaries and uterus of a female to prevent pregnancy or the removal of the testicles of males to prevent them from impregnating females. Why Spay/Neuter? It’s good for your pet… Spaying/neutering helps dogs and cats live longer, healthier lives by eliminating or reducing the incidence of a number of health problems that can be very difficult and/or expensive to treat.
Myths & Facts Myth: My pet will get fat and lazy. Fact: The truth is that most pets get fat and lazy because their owners feed them too much and don’t give them enough exercise. Myth: It’s better to have one litter first. Fact: Medical evidence indicates just the opposite. In fact, the evidence shows that females spayed before their first heat are typically healthier. Many veterinarians sterilize dogs and cats as young as eight weeks of age. Myth: My children should experience the miracle of birth. Fact: Even if children are able to see a pet give birth – which is unlikely, since it usually occurs at night and in seclusion – the lesson they will really learn is that animals can be created and discarded as it suits adults. Instead, it should be explained to children that the real miracle is life and that preventing the birth of some pets can save the lives of others. Myth: But my pet is a purebred. Fact: So is at least one out of every four pets brought to animal shelters around the country. There are just too many dogs and cats – mixed and purebred alike. Myth: I want my dog to be protective. Fact: Spaying or neutering does not affect a dog’s natural instinct to protect home and family. A dog’s personality is formed more by genetics and environment than by sex hormones. Myth: I don’t want my male dog or cat to feel like less of a male. Fact: Pets don’t have any concept of sexual identity or ego. Neutering will not change a pet’s basic personality. He doesn’t suffer any kind of emotional reaction or identity crisis when neutered. Myth: But my dog (or cat) is so special. I want a puppy (or kitten) just like him/her. Fact: A dog or cat may be a great pet, but that doesn’t mean her offspring will be a carbon copy. In fact, an entire litter of puppies or kittens might receive all of a pet’s (and her mate’s) worst characteristics. Myth: It’s too expensive to have my pet spayed or neutered. Fact: There are many affordable spay/neuter options in our community. Please see the resources we have made available. Whatever the actual price, spay or neuter surgery is a one-time cost – a relatively small cost when compared to all the benefits. It’s a bargain compared to the cost of having a litter and ensuring the health of the mother and litter; two months of pregnancy and another two months until the litter is weaned can add up to significant veterinary bills and food costs; particularly if complications develop. Most importantly, it’s a very small price to pay for the health of your pet and the prevention of the births of more unwanted pets. Myth: I’ll find good homes for all the puppies and kittens. Fact: You may find good homes for all of your pet’s litter. But each home you find means one less home for the dogs and cats in shelters who need good homes. Also, in less than one year’s time, each of your pet’s offspring may have his or her own litter, adding even more animals to the population. The problem of pet overpopulation is created and perpetuated one litter at a time. If you've read this far and would like more information on the cost and process of spay/neuter please call us at 209-334-1819.